Backflow Protection
Please forward your test results to us at backflow@swdc.us
RP Backflow Installation Guide
Backflow Installation Companies
Utah Code for Cross Connection Control/Backflow Prevention
Please click here for the list of certified testers from the Utah Division of Drinking Water.
What is Backflow Prevention?
For a detailed infographic click here. In short, a cross connection is any connection between your drinking water supply and anything else that could allow something to flow back into that drinking water supply causing the water to become contaminated or polluted. The reversal of flow through an unprotected cross connection into the drinking water system is called backflow.
Backflow prevention is the elimination of unprotected cross connections. The ultimate goal of backflow prevention is to protect your health and safety by protecting the quality of your drinking water supplies after they have been delivered to you.
What is a Backflow Prevention Assembly?

A backflow prevention assembly is an approved mechanical unit installed on the water supply line between your drinking water system and any unprotected cross connection. It forms a mechanical barrier to prevent pollutants or contaminants from entering into your drinking water system.
Pressure Atmospheric Vacuum Breakers (PVB), Spill Proof Atmospheric Vacuum Breakers (SVB), Double Check Valve Assemblies (DCA), and Reduced Pressure Zone Principle Assemblies (RP) are classified as backflow assemblies.
When Must Backflow Prevention Assemblies Be Tested?
Backflow prevention assemblies must be tested upon installation, when repaired, and annually by a certified backflow technician.
Why Must Backflow Prevention Assemblies Be Tested?
National industry standards have been established for the testing of backflow prevention assemblies. Backflow prevention assemblies are mechanical assemblies, and as such, are subject to failure. Testing frequency standards were established to reduce both the assembly owner and public drinking water purveyor’s liability. Owners are exercising “Reasonable Vigilance” when complying with testing and maintenance requirements relating to backflow prevention assemblies.
Testing requirements are mandated by the Utah State Rules for Public Drinking Water Systems and the Universal Plumbing Code as adopted by the State of Utah.
Who Can Test My Backflow Assembly?
Backflow prevention assemblies must be tested by a certified backflow technician. These technicians have been trained and certified through an accredited certification program to test backflow assemblies. The Utah Division of Drinking Water or your water purveyor can provide you with a list of those certified to test backflow assemblies in your area.
What Happens After My Backflow Assembly Has Been Tested?
Backflow assemblies must meet a certain testing criteria. If the assembly fails the test, it must be repaired and retested. The backflow technician completing the testing must complete a Backflow Assembly Test Report. One copy of the report should be given to you, the assembly owner. One copy is retained by the technician. A third copy must be sent to SWDC at backflow@swdc.us. SWDC is required by the Utah Rules for Public Drinking Water Systems to maintain an inventory of all backflow prevention assemblies. We must also keep a record of all tests and repairs made on those assemblies for a time period.